Thursday, June 7, 2012

Twice as fast as the Concorde

HyperMach Aerospace is currently developing a supersonic jet that will fly from London to New York in TWO HOURS. Dubbed the SonicStar plane, it will have a top speed of Mach 4.0 and is capable of carrying 10-20 passengers at heights of 60,000 ft.

With relatively low fuel consumption, the Sonic Star 'overcomes the economic and environmental challenges of supersonic flight to revolutionize the way we travel and drive air transportation forward into the future,' claims HyperMach. By using electromagnetic currents across the fuselage to suppress the sonic boom, the plane is able to overcome the noise regulations that constrict supersonic travel.

Unfortunately it will take at least 10 years for this jet to fly the skies so my hopes of flying to Beijing in fewer than 3 hours will still be a dream.

Best regards,

Otis Ashby

Sales & Operations

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